You can lead or you can follow.


The government is mandating the existence of an interconnected network of providers to expedite the flow of data.
We are building that network, and so are our competitors. Two of our largest competitors were recently acquired, which means the network is coming and soon. The question is, will you lead or follow.

The mandate is part of the 2022 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), which designates 25% of a clinician’s score based on the “Promoting Interoperability” performance category. What most providers and healthcare
enterprises have not yet realized is that their EMR does not meet the criteria of providing for the “bi directional exchange” of health information – a fact that will earn you a ZERO in the Promoting Interoperability category.


Don’t worry – we’re not asking anyone to change their EMR. Not at all. We do, however, want to note a zero in this category guarantees you a NINE percent PENALTY or reduction in reimbursement. We can help you avoid this penalty and potentially increase your CMS reimbursement.
Referralogix provides a secure and private bi-directional exchange platform for the efficient transfer of records and information between providers, regardless of the EMR you use. The new groupchat platform is intuitive and simple to use, so training is quick and cost effective.